Agrupamento de Escolas Dr. Francisco Fernandes Lopes


MOBILIDADE EM GDYNIA, POLÓNIA – DE 24 A 30 DE ABRIL DE 2022No âmbito do projeto Erasmus+ Nature, Traditions and Identity in Youth’ Visions, um grupo de quatro alunos e dois professores do nosso agrupamento deslocou-se a Gdynia, Polónia, para a segunda mobilidade com alunos e professores na semana de 24 a 30 de abril.
Os nossos alunos ficaram alojados nas casas dos colegas polacos que muito gentilmente os receberam e os acompanharam ao longo da sua estada. Aqui fica o texto escrito pelos nossos alunos.

On the first day we were very nervous since we were going to meet new people and spend a (great) week in Poland.
The host families that welcomed us were very welcoming.

On Monday was the official meeting with the other students and teachers. After the official meeting we had a guided tour of the school which was quite modern. The next activity we did was some integration games, workshops and ate lunch which was “pasta with strawberries” in the school canteen and after that we went with the rest of the group to play Bowling and it was amazing.

Polonia1On Tuesday we went to Chmielno and visited a pottery where we could make our own piece out of clay. Afterwards we visited an Ethnographic park where we learned about the history of ancient Poland. For lunch we had sausages on a bonfire and it was a strange but funny experience.

On Wednesday we visited Gdańsk and went to the amber museum. Succeeding, we went to a restaurant and tried one of the traditional Polish dishes called "pierogi". When we finished lunch we went to a mall in Gdańsk and then we went to Sopot to see the beach and the monuments there.

On Thursday we went to a peninsula called Hel, walked on the beach, visited a Fokarium where we watched the seals being fed and afterwards we had lunch at a restaurant called Blue. At the end of the day we all met in the Riviera mall.

On Friday morning we visited Gdynia and played some games that involved walking around the city and taking pictures. After that we went to the school for lunch and did some workshops. In the afternoon we had a kind of a farewell snack with the teachers and at the end of the day we all went to a party, where we met new people and made new friends.

On Saturday morning we went to the airport and there we said goodbye to our friends and host families and it was a little bit sad because we got attached to them. After a week full of emotions and super funny moments where we got so close to people from other countries with cultures so different from ours, it was very difficult to say "goodbye" to this part of our experience and return to our common life, but we managed to do it.

Alexandre Graça, Ana Filipa Lebre, Hugo Viegas e Inês Rodrigues

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